The Agape Sessions

The Agape Sessions are recorded live in the living room of Agape Haus Music Studio--a musicians co-op, in Llano, Texas. The Agape Sessions are live, raw, one-take music videos created for the sole purpose of sharing and preserving the music of some of the most talented and unique independent musicians we can find. The videos are shot simply with a flip video camera and a snowball microphone. One take. One song. One-of-a-kind performance that will never be exactly duplicated. Enjoy and share generously! A thank you for supporting independent musicians everywhere!

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Savannah Still Session

I am intrigued by musicians that  seem to come out of nowhere.  Boom.  It's like one day there they are with a soul that is filled to the brim with music and the music is slowly finding its way out.

Savannah Still is one of those musicians.

She's 16 and only those closest to her really knew about the music inside her.  Until now.

I guess we never know exactly what it is that coaxes the music out of a person.  Maybe is comes from summers spent traveling the country in an RV and attending music festivals.  Perhaps it's that.  Or maybe it's all the evenings at home doing something quite atypical for a 16-year-old---listening to Ella Fitzgerald.  Yes I said Ella.  Not Lady Gaga.  Ella.   With that said it won't surprise you that Savannah's music of choice is always jazz!

Savannah attends Faith Academy.  Piano, cello, violin, ukelele, guitar and mandolin are all instruments she plays or is learning to play.  For years she's written melodies, but only recently began to write lyrics.  When pressed about future musical plans, Savannah admits she doesn't have it all mapped out just yet. In the meantime, my guess is that she'll just keep listening to Ella, writing down whatever comes out and not getting in too big of a rush about things. 

One morning a few weeks ago,  Savannah dropped by Agape Haus to sing us a song-- a song that was inspired by her best friend and is being considered for a movie with some major Hollywood players. That's about all we can say about that now, but you'll be hearing more about Savannah Still in days to come!  In fact, 20 years from now, this recording will probably be referred to as Savannah Still:  The Early Years!!

The song is called "I Could Never...".   Enjoy!

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